Should I or Shouldn’t I


Should I or Shouldn’t I? 

How to decide if you are truly ready for divorce
and the 4 big mistakes SAS wants you to avoid.
SAS For Women

This free video class is for you, if you . . .

  • Fear you cannot afford a divorce
  • Worry what divorce (… or staying right where you are) might do to the kids
  • Are afraid you will regret doing something (or not doing anything)
  • Are seemingly “functioning” but deep down feel torn apart
  • Feel alone and can’t believe you find yourself on this page
  • Know on some level that something has got to change!

Join educators & divorce coaches Liza Caldwell & Kimberly MishkinCofounders of SAS for Women®

Find out what is possible for you . . .

Learn . . .

  • What divorce might look like for you
  • The 4 SIGNIFICANT MISTAKES you must avoid
  • How “taking action” does not necessarily mean you are getting divorced
  • The critical resource you must know if you want to save your marriage (or at least give it one last shot)
  • How to move beyond your fears & create a framework for understanding what is possible for your life & your family’s


SAS Client

For years I have been in an unstable marriage, ranging from hesitantly hopeful to downright ugly. I’d thought about leaving so many times but found the vast unknown so nauseatingly scary that I ended up doing nothing and then hating myself for being such a coward. Since reaching out to SAS I feel so much more comfortable about what lies ahead. SAS’ work is practical, logical, and straight forward, but never loses sight of the amorphous EMOTIONAL side of this issue. My journey is just beginning. And I honestly don’t know where I’m going to land. However, with SAS as my guide I am no longer afraid. And that is priceless.


SAS Client

I could not recommend SAS for Women more highly on so many levels. I learned about Liza and Kim in a New York Times article as I started to navigate the often-scary divorce process last November. The divorce world is calling them “divorce coaches”, but I found them to be so much more than that. They gave me the tools to tune into myself and my children’s needs versus the often caustic, nasty negative advice that many people like to throw your way when you’re divorcing. It does not have to be so hard — if you go into it with the right frame of mind and all the tools in your arsenal; you can make the process collaborative and come out of it a better, more whole person. Many thanks to Liza and Kim for being part of my tribe!


SAS Client

SAS is an incredible resource for anyone contemplating separation or divorce! … I genuinely got out of this class more than I did from my many years of therapy. You’ll come away with a wealth of education, awareness, and resources. You will feel validated, nurtured and celebrated for all you are. Connecting with Liza and Kim is one decision that I am glad I made as it has become an essential step to moving forward with some clear direction.


SAS Client

The process of going through a separation or divorce is complex from all aspects: psychologically, financially, logistically, the impact on kids, and so much more.  I had gone to many therapists, done meditation, and tried many things to keep the peace and perspective to make the right decision for myself and my family.  It is a very hard process. SAS was able to take me on what I can call a “journey” that was finally not cyclical but one that helped me decide the next steps I had to take in my life, in my marriage, in my career, with my friends, and with my kids, and finally move on.  SAS helps you look at your complete inner and outer life so that your choices are connected to the truly important things.  You need someone who can listen, guide you, and remind you where you are and where you should go based on the clear choices you make together. I have recommended SAS for Women again and again because what they were able to do for me was LIFE CHANGING.

Daniela Bearson

SAS Client

Please know how extremely grateful I am to Kim and Liza for all you’ve done – tools, resources, encouragement. Thank you for helping me heal and teaching me that it’s okay to rely on experts and resources, especially when I’m unable to fully rely on myself. I am learning how (and how important it is!) to scaffold together my voice and power. You have been an unexpected angel of a blessing to me.

About SAS for Women®

Since 2012, SAS has been uniquely positioned to understand women as they confront the realities of divorce around the world. Our education and coaching services focus on the healthy near and long-view approach to problem-solving. Holistic in its approach, but strategic with its focus, our method appeals to women committed to being smart, healthy, and savvy in their decision-making now. It is a privilege to share our knowledge and inspiration with discerning women like you as a foundation for you to become the women you want to be, in your own time, and on your own terms.

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